Sep. 28, 2018 - Microsoft Ignite - Machine Learning with ML.NET

Thursday, November 8, 2018 / mcchu28

These are some notes from the talk at Microsoft Ignite.

Machine Learning with ML.NET

Program the unprogrammable

Machine Learning - Programming the UnProgrammable.png(1)

Machine Learning creates a Model using this data

Machine Learning creates a Model using this data.png

Many ML tasks

Many ML Tasks.png

github demo label issue

Pre-built machine learning models (Azure Cognitive Services)

Pre-built machine learning models (Azure Cognitive Services).png
Limitations with pre-built machine learning models

Limitations with pre-built machine learning models.png

Build your own custom machine learning models

Build your own custom machine learning models.png
pre-built vs custom machine learning models

custom machine learning models

ML.NET is a framework for building custom ML Models

ML.NET is a framework for building custom ML Models.png

ML.NET GitHub.png

Machine Learning Samples.png

sentiment analysis - is it A or B problem
sentiment analysis - feature input and label output.png

Machine learning workflow

Machine learning workflow.png

Text Featurizer - text to numeric - ngram extraction

important concepts - data, transformer, estimator, prediction

Transformer - n-gram


Estimator - create Model


Prediction - single input -> single output


demo sentiment analysis binary classification
- code
- metrics
- prediction function

demo github multiclassification

More data you have the better results you may get

iterative machine learning

different pipeline
- different user, repository (data)
- different learner

demo movie recommendations

Collaborative filtering approach
prediction label and scores