Extending Umbraco FormsThursday, December 6, 2018 / mcchu28Extending Umbraco Forms Prepare your frontend - include required javascript
Rendering Forms scripts where you want
Custom Markup You can customize the default views using the theme method above for the following:
The FieldType (i.e. textfield, textarea, checkbox, etc) is using @Model.Id to match the value to the form field. Creating custom HTML emails You can include new Workflow "Send email with template (Razor)" to send out pretty HTML email. Working with Record data You can retrieve the form data filled out by users with different methods. Extending Textfield has a FieldType, render input field and save text strings workflow has a Workflow type datasource has a datasource type Prevalue Source Type Export Type - format data to a file Configuration You can update configuration values at: /App_Plugins/UmbracoForms/UmbracoForms.config Magic strings render values from session, cookies, Umbraco page fields Storing Form Files with IFileSystem You can store your forms, workflows, and preValues in a different location like the Azure Blob Cloud storage or some other place. |